Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

Tourist Attractions in Tana Toraja
Tana Toraja or Toraja is one of the beautiful regency in South Sulawesi, let alone in Indonesia. From the distance, one can see the gadget ridge of the hill stretching side by side along the slop of the mountains. Moreover, one can be also find many beautiful valleys in which bamboo and sugar palms are growing and the traditional houses with curved roof among the paddy field, beautiful and naturally carved and colored by the skillful people of Toraja.
    Before the Dutch came to power in this highland in 20th century, there was not a single word given for the name of their religion except for the word ‘aluk’ means ‘the way’ which refers to ritual and daily life activities that are to be controlled, like how to build a house, to cook rice, to greet children, and the head of village, and the number of buffaloes and pigs that must be slaughtered in every ritual ceremony.
    More than half of the people of Toraja are Christians, but they are proud of their cultural heritage and uphold it. This can be seen when they welcome the guests ritually.
    The Torajan people had little notion of themselves as a distinct ethnic group before the 20th century. Before Dutch colonization and Christianization, Torajans, who lived in highland areas, identified with their villages and did not share broad sense of identity. Although complexes of rituals created linkages between highland villages, there were variations in dialects, differences on social hierarchies, and an array of ritual practices in the Sulawesi highland region. “Toraja” (from the coastal language ‘to’ meaning people and ‘riaja’ meaning uplands) was first used as a lowlander expression for highlanders.
    As a result, “Toraja” initially had more currency with outsiders such as the Bugis and Makassarese, who constitute a majority of the lowland of Sulawesi than with insiders. The Dutch missionaries presence in the highland gave rise to the Toraja ethnic consciousness in the Sa’dan Toraja region, and this shared identity grew with the rise of tourism in the Tana Toraja regency. Since then, south Sulawesi has four main ethnic groups the Bugis (the majority, including shipbuilders and seafarers),the Makassarese (lowland traders and seafarers), the mandarese (traders and fisherman) and the Toraja (highland rice cultivators).


a.    Regency    (Noun)        : Daerah.
b.    Ridge        (Noun)        : Pegunungan.
c.    Curve        (Verb)            : Membengkokkan.
d.    Carve        (Verb)            : Mengukir/memahat.
e.    Slaughter    (Verb/Noun)        : Menyembelih/Penyembelihan.
f.    Heritage    (Noun)        : Budaya.
g.    Uphold        (Verb)            : Menegakkan.
h.    Linkage    (Noun)        : Hubungan/pertalian.
i.    Currency    (Noun)        : Peredaran.
j.    Consciousness    (Noun)        : Kesadaran.


Communicative Purpose
To describe a particular person, place or thing.
Generic Structure
a.     Identification     : identifies phenomenon to be described.
b.     Description     : describes parts, qualities, characters.

Exercise 1 
Choose T if the statement is true and F if it is false based on to the text.
1. T – F Torajan people slaughtered buffaloes and pigs In every ritual of ceremony.
2. T – F Less than half of the people of Toraja are Christians.
3. T – F Toraja is include of lowland region of South Sulawesi.
4. T – F Except Toraja, there are three main ethnic groups in South Sulawesi.
5. T – F The name of “Toraja” was from the name of a great ancestor that means “struggle”.

Exercise 2 
Answer the following questions based on the above text.
1.    What is the kind of the text?
2.    What is the purpose of the text above?
3.    What is the main idea of the first paragraph of the text above?
4.     Explain about Torajan People religion before 20th century!
5.     There are 4 kind’s ethnic groups in South Sulawesi, what are the groups?

A.    Adverb of Place
Adalah adverb yang menerangkan tempat dimana suatu peristiwa/kejadian dilakukan. Adverb of place menjawab pertanyaan “where”. Adverbs of place misalnya : here, there, everywhere, at home, in the office, dll.
B.    Adverb of time
Adalah adverb yang menerangkan waktu kapan sesuatu peristiwa/kejadian dilakukan. Adverb of time menjawab pertanyaan “When” atau “What time”. Adverbs of time, misalnya: today, now, yesterday, tomorrow, dll.
C.    Adverb of Manner
Adalah adverb yang menerangkan cara bagaimana/dengan jalan bagaimana sesuatu terjadi atau dilakukan. Adverb of manner menjawab pertanyaan “How”. Adverbs of manner, misalnya : slowly, quickly, happily, fluently, dll.
D.    Adverbs of Degree
Adalah adverb yang menerangkan dalam tingkatan bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan. Misalnya: little, rather (agak), quite (sangat), very (sangat), extremely (luar biasa), dll.
E.    Adverb of Frequency
Adalah adverb yang menerangkan seberapa sering suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Misalnya: always, usually, sometimes, often, rarely, dll.

Exercise 3 
Make the adverb from adjectives in brackets!
Example: He speaks English ______ (fluent).
     He speaks English fluently.
1.    The Torajan welcome their guests ______(greet).
2.    The Torajan ________ (proud) still uphold their cultural heritage.
3.    They works ______(hard) for their burial.
4.    In the caremony, they will sing __________(loud) and dance __________(happy).
5.    Buffalloes and pigs will be slaughtered _______(ritual) .

Exercise 4  
Make wh- questions from the following sentences based on the text above. The questions are based on the underlined words.
Examples:    Danny went to his room.
        Where did Danny go?
1.    Toraja is one of the beautiful regency in South Sulawesi.
2.    The traditional houses of Toraja is naturally carved by the skillful people of Toraja.
3.    The Torajan people welcome the guests ritually.
4.    Buffaloes and pigs must be slaughtered in every ritual ceremony.
5.    “Torajan” initially had more currency with outsiders such as the Bugis and Makassarese.

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