Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

South Sulawesi Province
South Sulawesi province comprises the narrow southwestern peninsula of this orchid-shaped island, which is mainly mountainous. The seafaring Bugis dominant the southern tip, whereas the northern part of South Sulawesi is inhabited by the Torajas whose unique culture rivals that of the Balinese. Famed for their seafaring heritage and Pinisi schooners for centuries, the Bugis possess to the present day one of the last sailing fleets in the world.
The Bugis vessels have sailed as far as the Australian beach, leaving behind drawings of their ships on stone with words that have been integrated into the Aboriginal language of north Australia. Situated on the crossroads of well-traveled sea-lanes, its capital and chief trading port of Ujung Pandang, till today the gateway to eastern Indonesia. Spanish and Portuguese galleons, followed by British and Dutch traders sailed these seas in search of the spice trade, escorted by their men of war to protect them against the daring raids of the Bugis and Makassar who attacked the intruders.
Ujung Pandang, was formerly Makassar, well known for its Makasar oil from which the English word "antimacassar" evolved for small covers to protect upholstery. The fortifications, which overlook the harbor, were originally built in 1545. Gowa's most famous king is considered a national hero, named Sultan Hasanuddin, the 16th king of Gowa who waged a long and fierce war against the colonial forces.
The Tomanurung stone with the inscriptions can still be seen in a plot neighboring the royal graves, near Sungguminasa, formerly the seat of the Gowa kings. The Bugis kingdom of Bone, Wajo and Soppeng and the Makassarase kingdom of Gowa emerged in 13th century. Though interrelated through marriage, Bone and Gowa have for centuries battled against each other. The southern beach is protected by small archipelagoes and has excellent facilities for water sports. These islands have been developed for holiday resorts. Further north, through rugged country is Tana Toraja, often referred to as the "Land of the Heavenly Kings".
An ethnic group who believes that their forefathers descended from heaven onto a mountain some twenty generations ago, the Toraja's have a unique culture based on animistic beliefs. Known for their grand burial ceremonies on cliffs or hanging graves, they practice an ancestral cult even today where death and afterlife ceremonies are great feasts when buffaloes are sacrificed in the final death ceremony, after which the deceased's remains are placed in a coffin and interred in caves hollowed out in high cliffs. Lifelike statues, looking out from a “balcony”, guard the mouth of the cave. As death has such an "important meaning" when the souls are released, burials are elaborate and follow feasting days. Rock graves are also a form of burial. A strict hierarchy is followed in the villages.
“Tongkonan” (family houses) are built on stilts with roofs on each end rising like the prows of a ship, representing the cosmos. The mountains offer a fantastic panorama of natural beauty, including the long drive from Ujung Pandang to Tana Toraja. South Sulawesi is also known for its silk industry and silverwork whereas its economy is based on agriculture. Ujung Pandang is easily accessible by air. There are several daily flights from Jakarta and also daily services from Bali, Surabaya and Manado.
Geographical condition and Territory of South Sulawesi Province is at 0°12' - 8° South Latitude and 116°48' - 122°36' East Longitude. This Province was bounded by:
At north side: Central Sulawesi
At east side: Bone Bay and South-East Sulawesi
At west side: Makassar Strait
At south side: Flores Sea
The wide of South Sulawesi province area is 62, 482,54 Km2 (42 % of Sulawesi Island and 4,1 % of Indonesia area).
Administratively, this Province divided into 23 Regencies and 3 Cities and consists of 290 Districts.
The strategic area in east area of Indonesia has make South Sulawesi functioned as the centre of services, both for east Indonesia area and for international trade. Those services such as; commerce, land transportation, sea transportation, air transportation, education, employment, health service, field research, agricultural, tourism and even financial development.


1.    Comprise        (Verb)        : Terdiri dari .
2.    Seafaring        (Adjective)    : Yang berlayar di laut.
3.    Famed            (Adjective)    : Terkenal
4.    Vessel            (Noun)    : Kapal
5.    Sail            (Verb)        : Berlayar
6.    Intruder        (Noun)    : Pengacau
7.    Wage            (Verb)        : Berperang
8.    Coffin            (Noun)    : Peti Mayat
9.    Burial            (Penguburan)    : Penguburan
10.  Silk            (Noun)    : Sutera


Study the following explanation of prepositions.
1.     At is used with times and also with places: At north side, at midnight, at lunch.
2.     In is used with periods of time and also with places: in the world, in 2005, in the Middle Ages, in the Sulawesi Province, in Indonesia, in the Kete’ Kesu Site.
3.     On is used with dates and days and also with places: on the traditional grave, on June 18, on Monday.
4.     Of is used with nouns and also with -ing forms: legs of the table, glance of eye, of making.
5.     Off is used with verbs: get off, take off, put off.
6.     After/before is used with period of times, with pronouns and also with -ing forms: before winter, before June, after summer, after lunch time, after me, before him, after reading, before asking.
7.     For is used with a period of time: for one hour, for a week, for ages. For is also intended to be given to or belong to a particular person: The Great Sphinx was probably built for Khafre.
8.     During is used with a period of time: during our holiday, during the night.
9.     While is used with subject + verb: while you went out, while she was at the bank.
10. Some prepositions with more than one word are in front of, for the sake of, at the corner of.
•     I stand in front of the class.
•     For the sake of God.
•     He has to stand at the corner of the classroom.

Exercise 1

Find all the prepositions on the text above and identify it’s function.

1.    The Bugis possess to the present day one of the last sailing fleets in the world. (In is used with place).
2.    The Bugis kingdom of Bone. (Of is used noun).
3.    ……………………………………………….
4.    ……………………………………………….
5.    ……………………………………………….
6.    ……………………………………………….
7.    ……………………………………………….
8.    ……………………………………………….
9.    ……………………………………………….
10.    ……………………………………………….

Exercise 2

Read aloud the text you have completed. Then, decide whether the following statements are true or false.
1. South Sulawesi is well known for its golden industry. (T/F)
2. The Toraja's have a unique culture based on animistic beliefs. (T/F)
3. Tana Toraja often referred as the “Land of the Heavenly Kings”. (T/F)
4. Christian is the religion that most of the civil of South Sulawesi take as their religion. (T/F)
5. Pinisi is the symbol of seafaring heritage of South Sulawesi Province. (T/F)

Exercise 3Answer the following questions based on the above text.
1. What does the text tell us about?
2. What is the main purpose of the text?
3. What are the potencies of South Sulawesi Province?
4. How many regencies and cities are there in South Sulawesi?
5. How is the burial ceremony of Torajan People in South Sulawesi?

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