Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

Bone Tourism Travel Guide and Tourist Information
    Bone is one of the strongest and largest kingdom that once existed in South Sulawesi, call it Bone Kingdom. The capital city is Watampone. The graveyard of the king of the 17th century located on Jalan Bukaka, a road leading to sengkang regency, is considered quite important to be visited. The type of the grave is similar to those of the King Gowa.
    Bone regency located 174 km towards the eastern city of Makassar, it has a strategic position in the trade of goods and services at eastern Indonesia and the crossings to the South East Sulawesi and also known as the place of the biggest rice production in south Sulawesi.
The boundaries area of Bone Regency is
1.    Wajo and Soppeng at Northern.
2.    Sinjai and Gowa at Southern.
3.    Pangkep, Barru and Maros at west.
Watampone tourism travel and tourist attractions popular destinations can be enumerated as below:
Bola Soba
Bola Soba is the house of war commander called “Petta Punggawa” who lived a long time ago. The house is still preserved under serious care and control.
Surrounding the house, we are able to see some of the old traditions that are still strongly practiced, such as “Pencak Massampe, Ma’pere, Serewa Sirau Sulo” and other traditional dances.
Museum of Saoraja Lapawawoi
In this museum, a great amount of kingdom remnants are carefully preserved, structured, and strongly controlled; including the war weapon that were used by Arung Palakka. Some activities are frequently held in this museum like “Mattompang Arajang” (the purify of the kingdom remnants ceremony), followed by the activity called “Mattoana Arajang” which is usually marked by Bissu Dance and such ritual the people “present dishes to the holy spirits”.
Mampu Cave
This is one of the large caves in South Sulawesi, about 700 m wide. It located about 34 KM from Watampone. Mampu cave is an attractive cave with natural decorations of dangling stalagtites and stalagmites that resemble human figures. The caves is well ventilated and let in enough sunlight, that is not so dark and humid.
a.    Consider    (Verb)            : Mempertimbangkan.
b.    Crossing    (Noun)        : Penyebrangan/ pelintasan.
c.    Boundary    (Noun)        : Batas.
d.    Enumerate    (Verb)            : Menyebutkan.
e.    Preserve    (Verb)            : Memelihara.
f.    Remnant    (Noun)        : Sisa/Bekas.
g.    Purify        (Verb)            : Memurnikan/membersihkan/mensucikan.
h.    Dish        (Noun)        : Hidangan.
i.    Cave        (Noun)        : Goa.
j.    Attractive    (Adjective)        : Menarik.
k.    Resemble    (Verb)            : Menterupai.

Reminder :Only transitive verbs can be used in the passive voice.
1.    Simple Present Tense
Active:  Dr. Boyke helps Tom
Passive: Tom is helped by Dr. Boyke
2.    Present Continuous Tense
Active: Dr. Boyke is helping Tom
Passive: Tom is being helped by Dr. Boyke
3.    Present Perfect
Active: Dr. Boyke has helped Tom
Passive:  Tom has been helped by Dr. Boyke
4.    Past Tense
Active: Dr. Boyke helped Tom
Passive: Tom was helped by Dr. Boyke
5.    Past Continuous
Aktive: Dr. Boyke was helping Tom
Passive: Tom was being helped by Dr. Boyke
6.    Past  Perfect
Active: Dr Boyke had helped Tom
Passive: Tom had been helped by Dr. Boyke
7.    Modal
Dr. Boyke is going to help Tom : Tom is going to be helped by Dr. Boyke
Dr. Boyke will help Tom: Tom will be helped by Dr. Boyke
Dr. Boyke can help Tom: Tom can be helped by Dr. Boyke
Dr. Boyke should help Tom: Tom should be helped by Dr. Boyke
Dr. Boyke ought to help Tom: Tom ought to be helped by Dr. Boyke
Dr. Boyke must help Tom: Tom must be helped by Dr. Boyke
Dr. Boyke has to help Tom: Tom has to be helped by Dr. Boyke
Dr. Boyke may help Tom: Tom may be helped by Dr. Boyke
Dr. Boyke might help Tom: Tom might be helped by Dr. Boyke

Exercise 1 
Change the following sentences into passive voice.
1.    The people present dishes to the holy spirits.
2.    The ancient people called the commander as “Petta Punggawa”
3.    Bone regency has produced rice greatly.
4.    Mampu cave will attract both of local and foreign tourists.
5.    The people must visit Bola Soba to see some of old traditions of Bone Kingdom.
Exercise 2

Find out all passive sentences from the Text above.
1.    The graveyard is considered quite important to be visited.
2.    Watampone tourism travel and tourist attractions popular destinations can be enumerated as below.
3.    …………………………………………………………..
4.    …………………………………………………………..
5.    …………………………………………………………..
6.    …………………………………………………………..

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