Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

Tanjung Bira (Bira Cape)
Tanjung Bira is famous with beautiful and pleasant white sand beach. It is clean and neatly organized and its beauty and pleasantness are well known even by Foreign countries. Visit the beach for enjoying their holidays. In the background soar up the “Puang Janggo” mountain with more than 400 m of height and it can be reach around 40 minutes by hiking.
Tanjung Bira is located on the southern most of south Sulawesi Province. It lies in Bonto Bahari Sub-district, Bulukumba District. It is about 40 km away from Bulukumba city. Bira or Tanjung Bira is one of the tourism and marine tourism in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi.  And it’s about 5-6 hours from Makassar the capital city of South Sulawesi.
Tanjung Bira is famous tourism and marine object both for local and foreign tourist with beautiful and pleasant with sand beach. Facing the ocean and background sour up the “Puang Janggo” mountain with the more than 400 m of height make this place ideal for visitor stop for holiday and vacation trip in Sulawesi. The beauty and the comfort of the beach are well known to the world and to all foreign tourists from many different countries who visited this place for a vacation.
Tanjung Bira beach is totally bewitching beach whose white sand is like wheat flour spread along the seashore. You can do activities such as diving, swimming, sunbathing, and snorkeling. You can also watch the sunset or sunrise in the same position. In addition, the enchantment of Liukang Beach and Kambing Island located in the transmarine of the beach will amaze you during the visit to the destination.
Beside the beach, snorkeling, diving, and swimming, you can also take time to visit the local wooden boat industry in Tana Beru Village or in Ara, the famous Pinisi boat from the local Bugis-Makassar people. They receive boat order from Indonesian or overseas market due to the beautiful design and quite some foreigner here and there seems to monitor the progress of the boat making they seems to have ordered.
Night at the Bira is always romantic. Lying on the beach, enjoying the sound of pounding waves, while see the shining star up there. By the middle of the night, you can interact with fisherman. Buy some fresh fish or other sea foods than roast it and also you can enjoy the fishing traditional boats are parked in other side of beach.

a.    Neatly        (Adverb)        : Dengan rapi.
b.    Pleasant    (Adjective)        : Menyenangkan.
c.    Soar up    (Verb)            : Membumbung tinggi.
d.    Marine        (Verb)            : Laut.
e.    Trip        (Verb)            : Perjalanan.
f.    Enchantment    (Noun)        : Pesona.
g.    Bewitch    (Verb)            : Mempesona.
h.    Seashore    (Noun)        : Pantai laut.
i.    Destination    (Noun)        : Tujuan.
j.    Wooden    (Adjective)        : Terbuat dari kayu.

Communicative Purpose
To describe a particular person, place or thing.
Generic Structure
a.     Identification     : identifies phenomenon to be described.
b.     Description     : describes parts, qualities, characters.

Exercise 1 
Answer the following questions based on the above text.
1.    What does the text mainly talks about?
2.    What is the kind of the text?
3.    What is the communicative purpose of the text?
4.    In the second paragraph, the writer describes about….
5.    Besides the beach, what are another interesting activities that we can do in Bira cape?
6.    Where is the Bira cape located?
7.    Do you know the “Puang Janggo? Explain it!

Expressions of Agreement and Disagreement 
Expressions of Agreement    
• I agree with what you said
• I agree with you.
• Well, if you say so.
• I agree ....
• I think so.
• I am with you.  

Expressions of Disagreement
• Yes, but don't you think ...?
• Yes, I see but ....
• I don' think so.
• I quite disagree ....
• Sorry, I have to say "No".

Exercise 2 
Complete these dialogues with appropriate expressions.
1.     Ardillah asked Dian about her opinion of Bira cape. 
Ardillah     :     What do you think about Bira cape?
Dian     :   _________________________
2.     Dian expose her opinion about Bira cape and Ardillah agree with her opinion 
Dian        : We have visited Bira cape last month, I see that it such really beautiful cape.
Ardillah    : ___________________________

3.     Ardillah and Dian were discussing about Bira cape. Both of them are different in exposing their opinion.
Ardillah     : I think you agree that Bira is such interesting place to visit. I decide to go there for our vacation next month.
Dian         :     Oh no ___________________________. We have gone there in our last vacation, and I think it’s too far.
Ardillah     :    Yes. But don’t you think that we will get more fun to visit it twice?
Dian        : Sorry, I have to say “No”.
4.     Ardillah     :    Kete’ Kesu is one of very interesting place to be visited in Toraja. How about in Bulukumba, do you know the tourism destination there?
Dian     :    Samalona Island, Right?
Ardillah    :    No. ___________________________ with you. Samalona Island located in Makassar, it is not in Bulukumba. I think it is Bira cape.

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